What if Pacman had a Gun?


Guns ‘N’ Ghosts is an arcade top-down arena shooter that makes you constantly move, dodge enemies and adapt to new weapons.

This is a cool little personal project that I’ve developed to have some Game Design portfolio. You can play it directly in your browser from itch.io. (lucasserrano.itch.io/gunsnghosts).

This is the design documentation of the game.

Inspiration & References


Gameplay Objectives

Gameplay Loops

Primary loop

→ You shoot your Gun until you run out of ammo and get a new Gun.

→ You adapt how you move and how you approach enemies to your new Gun.

→ You shoot your new Gun, kill Ghosts and pick the points they drop.

→ You run out of ammo and/or get a new Gun.

Secondary Loop

→ You walk around the map picking the Pacman-like dots that cover each level.

→ When you pick all of them, they increase your multiplier and reappear for you to try to pick all of them again.

High-Level Loop

→ You appear on a new level.

→ You try to get the highest score possible. Beating your previous high score at that level.

→ Ghosts appear faster the higher your score is.

→ When you die, you start again on a different level.

Player: Character, Controls and Camera

You are a Ghost Hunter and your job is to deal with a bunch of Ghosts with the most effective method to deal with anything known by mankind: a Gun.


Player Verbs

Player Health


Score System

The player's goal is to reach the highest possible score.



You can wield different types of Guns and you need to constantly change and adapt to a different one.


Packages change your Gun. And are the only way to get Health or Ammo back.



There are 4 different types of ghosts, inspired by the original Pacman’s colors.



Each time you play you do it in one of the 6 different maps.
