class in UnityEngine.SceneManagement / extends ScriptableObject

A scriptable object that allows you to load scenes using a loading screen. In the project window do right-click → CreateLoading Screen to create a new one and add the scene you want to act as the loading screen to the Scene Asset field.

See also:

Loading Progress Bar


Loading Scene Asset Scene asset of the scene that is going to be used as the loading screen. That scene will load
Min Loading Time The minimum time the loading screen is shown, even if the loading process takes less.


SceneName string Name of the scene used as loading screen.
ScenePath string Path of the scene used as loading screen relative to the project folder.
MinLoadingTime float The minimum time the loading screen is shown, even if the loading process takes less.

Public Methods

Load Scene

Load target scene going first to the loading screen.

Transition To Scene

Load target scene using the loading screen and playing a transition effect.

Static Properties

LoadingProgress float {get;} Progress of the async loading process during the loading screen.